

I am creating this blog at the urging of my cousin, CJ. It is something that I have wanted to do for a while but am just getting around to. I just want to share some of my experiences with anyone interested to hopefully make their traveling easier and more enjoyable.

A little background on myself and qualifications for doing this. I spent 8 months in Europe, from October 2005-June 2006. Most of my time was spent in France, about 5 months total. The other 3 months were spent going from city to city, country to country in an attempt to absorb as much of European culture as I could in the time I had. During this time I kept a diary and held on to as much free stuff as I could get away with. Unfortunately my camera broke in February and I don't have pictures of many of the amazing places I visited.

So please, if you are going to Europe soon, read what I have below. I have tried to organize it as simply as possible. If you have any questions, whether it be on how to find a job, where to eat, or the best way to do Paris in a day, don't hesitate to email me (jcamato@gmail.com).

Update 10.3.06: I just posted all of the info I sent to my cousin before he left. I might update it further as I go through all of my old stuff since Wednesday is the one year anniversary of my arrival in Europe.

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